“In view of the increasingly uncertain security environment in the Asia-Pacific region …
“... the U.S. intent to rebalance defense priorities toward the Asia-Pacific region ...”
“.. support the development of Guam as a strategic hub ...”
“In order to develop Guam as a strategic hub ...”
What this means:

-- The references to Guam as a “strategic hub” is in context to Okinawa's diminishing importance, but also defines Guam's new role.
The New York Times has a forum running that ask: Are We Headed for a Cold War With China?
Among its writers is Zhu Feng, a professor in the School of International Studies and the deputy director of the Center for International and Strategic Studies at Beijing University.
Feng sees the military rebalancing in Asia-Pacific as the creation of military programs "that very specifically target China."
Another is Stephen M. Walt, a professor of international affairs at Harvard University, who sees increased security competition with China but believes economic needs will keep the rivalry within bounds.
Map source: CIA analysis on China's naval capabilities, 1965
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