This photo was taken in either 1974 or 1975 with a Nikkormat, a Nikon camera, most likely with my telephoto 200mm lens. I was in the Navy. This park was near Marine Drive, although I can't recall the exact location. I sure there are many who know what is going on here. Never saw a tree quite like it.
The reader who helped me with the photo above, also shared some details about this photograph, and writes:
"The second photo in your blog is at the Plaza D’Espana in Agana. The children are wearing uniforms from the former Cathedral Grade School, which was located in the background building, which also housed the Academy of Our Lady of Guam. That tree is long gone, but you brought back fond memories of playing in that area. I can’t recall if it were a monkey pod tree, or a flame tree, but there are still a few flame trees in the area which are beautiful when in bloom."
My sincere thanks to this reader.